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Fast Tracking Success At Your New Job: Making the Most of Your First 30 Days

It’s official – you’ve made it through the interview process and landed a new job. Congratulations!

Starting a new position is exciting and worthy of celebration. But new opportunities also mean new uncertainties. You’ll be navigating a new environment. New responsibilities. New coworkers. It’s normal to feel anxious about transitionary periods. However, it’s important that you don’t let these anxieties stop you from making the most out of your first 30 days at your new job.

Your first 30 days are crucial to setting yourself up for success. This is your chance to solidify a positive first impression with your manager and colleagues while learning all that you can.

So how exactly can you take advantage of this unique window of opportunity at your new company? We’ve put together some tips for maximizing your first 30 days and building a solid foundation for your new job:

Get to know your colleagues

Meeting your new coworkers can be daunting, especially if you’re joining a large company or team. Even with small teams, you’ll likely be meeting a lot of people in your first month. Introducing yourself and expressing enthusiasm will help you start off on the right foot with your new colleagues.

If the thought of meeting people is nerve-wracking, practice your introduction! Although it sounds obvious, articulating your spiel aloud ahead of time will help control your nerves.

As you practice your opening lines, try to go beyond basic info like who you are and what you do. Incorporating a quick point about your passion for the industry or company is a great way to elevate your introductions and relate to your new colleagues.

Connecting with your coworkers in your first week can help you feel more integrated in your new workplace. As you build rapport with your managers and peers, you also have more avenues to seek guidance and…

Ask questions!

Don’t be afraid to ask questions.  As a new employee, you’re not expected to know everything about a company or new role immediately – your managers and colleagues understand this. Your first 30 days are a key window for learning and absorbing information.

It’s better to ask questions early on, rather than trying to figure out the answers on your own or misunderstand something entirely. Additionally, asking questions shows your manager that you’re eager to learn and comfortable seeking help.

While you shouldn’t hesitate to ask questions, you should be mindful of others’ time. If your question is low priority and they’re preoccupied, avoid interrupting and write down your question to ask at a more convenient time.

Identify expectations

Just like you’ll ask general questions about the company and processes, it’s a good idea to ask questions about what’s expected of you.

In your early meetings with your manager, explicitly asking what expectations they have can be critical to your success. Their answer will inform you of their priorities and guide your goals.  Fulfilling (and exceeding) these expectations is a great way to form strong connections with your manager.

Set realistic goals

As a new employee, there’s a good chance you’re energized and eager to prove yourself. It’s easy to dive headfirst into ambitious goals at this stage. However, setting overly ambitious goals from the get-go has the potential to hinder your growth.

Pursuing zealous goals without establishing a strong foundation within your new workplace can lead to disconnects between you and your manager, peers, and the company’s objectives.

Instead, consult with your manager on what goals you should set for your first 30 days. It’s likely more beneficial to learn the fundamentals of your team’s ecosystem and how you can achieve success in your role before all else. From there, you can seek out other areas of opportunity to add value in the future.

Take advantage of training opportunities

Many companies offer professional development programs for new employees. Whether you’re fresh out of college, a seasoned industry vet, or have just made a career pivot, training opportunities can offer valuable knowledge and skills to help you advance in your new role.

Your first 30 days are often less busy than you’d expect once you’re settled in your job. After the first month, you can expect your workload to increase. Maximizing your early downtime through upskilling or completing training may help you accelerate how you adapt to your new role.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your first 30 days on the job and create a prime foundation for your future success . Remember to be patient with yourself as you adjust to your environment and take the time to learn and grow – you’re well on your way to making a smooth transition into your new position. Good luck!


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